Wednesday 21 December 2016

December iPhone Journal | #5

Hey Lovelies!
It's been a while since I've done a proper update. This month has been a pretty busy one for me. Between Christmas and flying back to Australia I decided to focus a lot of time on my YouTube, blog and social media. For regular updates on my life/interesting things that are going on, make sure you're following me on Instagram, Twitter & Snapchat (@EmmyRosam).

At the beginning of the month I flew to Australia. My family live over here so I left Edinburgh to come spend Christmas with the family. I flew from Edinburgh to Abu Dhabi and then had a 9 hour layover (I almost died!!). Then flew from Abu Dhabi to Perth. I was pretty much an emotional jet lagged wreck most of the flight so spent the first week in Aus recovering by sleeping.

It's Summer here so it's pretty hot. 23-37 degrees most days, doesn't feel so Christmassy. It has been quite nice to get away from the cold but Christmas is my favourite time of year so I am very much missing the Christmas markets and chilly mornings - especially my large collection of Primark Christmas socks. I will be back in early Jan though so will still get to enjoy the winter. 
My Mum had her birthday on the 12th of December. We went to a beautiful restaurant for breakfast in City Beach called the 'Hamptons'. One thing that Australia does right is beaches. There was a beautiful ocean view throughout the restaurant. Nothing beats a white sands beach in Aus. Though one thing that Australia does wrong is iced coffee - (they put ice cream in it??? where is my coffee over ice??)

I've been uploading twice a week on my YouTube channel, aiming for 3. While I have the time I am focusing on my content, trying to produce lots of quality content for my channel. I hit 23,000 subscribers last week which is exciting. I'm trying to prelim for January as I know once I go back I will be super busy between moving flat and going back to uni. I've also updated my Instagram theme which I know is not that exciting for many but I love my aesthetics so I've been quite excited about that. I posted a YouTube video talking about some more stuff that's been going on so if you wanna check it out you can do so. I have loads of interesting things planned though so make sure you're following me on social media to keep up to date with everything.

Update Video:


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